Headteacher End of Year Message

Dear Children, Parents, Volunteers, Staff, Members of FOSPA and Governors, 

I wish to express my deep gratitude to you all at the end of this academic year. Thank you for your support and dedication to the work of education and spiritual formation of pupils at St Patrick’s.

Year 6 children, I wish you every success on your journey through life. It has been a privilege for us all at St Patrick’s community to get to know you, teach and guide you. Continue to work hard, believe in yourselves, respect one another and always trust in God waiting to help you, no matter what. We shall treasure very fond memories of you.

I hope that all our staff and families will have an opportunity to rest and recover during the summer  break. I look forward to seeing you all in September.

 As some of our staff leave, I wish them every success on their future paths.

 May Lord bless you and your families with peace, hope, faith and love.

 Mr R. Protsiv


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